Eduardo Mutuc of Apalit, Pampanga is an artist who has devoted his life to making holy and secular art in silver, bronze, and wood. Retablos, mirrors, altars, and carosas with complex details can be found in churches and private collections. Some of these pieces are rather big, reaching lengths of over forty feet, while others are relatively modest and display extremely exquisite and delicate artistry.
He discovered his talents in sculpture and metalwork quite late. He was 29 when he decided to supplement his income from farming for the relatively more secure job of woodcarving. The hardest challenge for him was learning a profession that he had no prior knowledge about, but poverty was a powerful motivation which led to his current success.He derives inspiration from traditional religious designs and infuses his own ideas into the finished product. He notes that handmade pieces are finer and more delicate than machine pressed pieces, particularly when commissioned pieces involve human representations. “Facial expressions are among the hardest to do,” says Mutuc who uses different molds for each cherub to ensure their individuality.